Manès Sperbers Weg aus dem „Städtel“ in das Kampfgetümmel der „Weltrevolution“


  • Zbigniew Światłowski



Autobiography, Manès Sperber, Marxism, East Europe, Jewish intellectuals, world revolution


The subject of the analysis is a three-volume-autobiography by Manès Sperber (1905-1984) All das Vergangene… (All that is gone…). The transformation of a pious boy of an eastern Galician village into a revolutionary Marxist and communist has an exemplary importance. Many intellectuals from various countries were in thrall to the power of the Marxian ideology. The foregoing statement refers especially to the Jewish intellectuals from the Eastern Europe, which is a commonly known issue. What is less known, are the psychological and social motives of their worldview driven decisions. And it is only them that allow to understand why the idea of a „world revolution“ puts down its deepest roots in this social sphere. In the context of the problems depicted here, Sperber’s memories have immense cognitive value.


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How to Cite

Światłowski, Z. (2011). Manès Sperbers Weg aus dem „Städtel“ in das Kampfgetümmel der „Weltrevolution“. Convivium. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Polen, 153–175.


