Deutsch als Brückensprache beim Erlernen der niederländischen Aussprache durch polnische Muttersprachler – Beispielfall prädorsale gerundete Vokale
German as a language of transition, Dutch language, vowels, phonetics, multitask methodAbstract
The article explores the possibility of using German as a cross-language in learning of front rounded vowels in Dutch (as L3). The focus group consists of Polish native speakers who are willing to learn Dutch as adults. The main aim of the article is to discuss the theoretical issues (different methods of languages comparison and comparison of the chosen group of vowels in Polish, German and Dutch according to principles of the polyconfrontative method), but the didactical issues (practical use of prior knowledge of German front rounded vowels in the articulation training of Dutch front rounded vowels) are also going to be examined.
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