Fremdsprachenlernen zwischen Metakognitionen und Emotionen


  • Krzysztof Nerlicki



cognition, emotions, subjective views, German language acquisition


Metacognition is often defined as „cognition about cognition“. The article focuses on the role of metacognitive processes in learning and using foreign languages. In the centre of attention are learners’ beliefs about language learning and beliefs about self as language learner. After a presentation of theoretical background and methodological issues in the investigation of learner beliefs, we present the structure of beliefs about speaking and emotions accompanying this skill. The qualitative data were collecting from students of German Studies in Poland. The students evaluate their successes and failures, changes in the beliefs, and emotional reactions. In our view learners need to be provided opportunities for reflective activities about their learning and emotions during second language acquisition.


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How to Cite

Nerlicki, K. (2014). Fremdsprachenlernen zwischen Metakognitionen und Emotionen. Convivium. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Polen, 185–206.


