New Black Literature as a Field of German Studies – Reflections on Theorization and Didactization in Universities in the Context of Decolonization




Decolonization, German (Literary) Studies, SHARON DODUA OTOO, OLIVIA WENZEL, Black Literature, Afro-German Literature, Black German Studies


Not only the university as an institution, but also the discipline of German Studies generally represents a white literary and cultural history in which the stories and artistic products of BPoC actors are only marginally the subject of teaching. In the last ten years, however, BPoC have increasingly made themselves heard again and have brought their perspectives into the literary world or into educational discourses, for example. Literary texts address everyday racism, Othering, and (German) colonial history, but also focus on other topics such as family, love relationships, or GDR history. What they have in common is that they tell of Germany as a Black ‘homeland’. These universal literary themes and their aesthetic representation are often neglected when it comes to literature by BPoC. Instead, they are readily addressed as merely representative of the representation of racism or slavery in seminars. Thus, while on the one hand it is important to bring perspectives from BPoC into teaching in the sense of racism critics, on the other hand it is equally significant not to functionalize them sporadically and exclusively for the thematization of racism.

Due to the ambivalences outlined, the article considers how the texts can be integrated into German Studies seminars without reproducing categorizations or reducing them to experiences of racism, while nevertheless also making Black perspectives visible and taking them seriously. These considerations will be embedded in fundamental reflections on the decolonization of the institution university and Eurocentric knowledge transfer. These questions will be discussed using the novels Adas Raum by SHARON DODUA OTOO, Brüder by JACKIE THOMAE and 1000 serpentinen angst by OLIVIA WENZEL as examples.

Author Biography

Martina Kofer, Universität Potsdam, Institut für Germanistik, Didaktik der deutschen Literatur

Dr. phil., ist akademische Mitarbeiterin im Bereich Didaktik der deutschen Literatur an der Universität Potsdam. Zuvor war sie wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben in der Fachdidaktik Deutsch der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg und der Universität Paderborn sowie Lehrbeauftragte für Literaturdidaktik und Fachdidaktik Deutsch an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum und der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, wie auch Dozentin für Deutsch als Zweit- und Fremdsprache an verschieden Institutionen. Promotion 2022 mit einer Arbeit zu „Konfigurationen weiblicher (muslimischer) Identitäten in der neueren Literatur türkischdeutscher Autorinnen“. Aktuelle Publikationen: Deutschland als Schwarze Heimat in der postmigrantischen Gegenwartsliteratur. Literaturdidaktik aus rassismuskritischer Perspektive. In: BEHRENDT, RENATA / POST, SÖHNKE (eds.) (2022): Heimat in der postmigrantischen Gesellschaft. Literaturdidaktische und interdisziplinäre Perspektiven. Frankfurt a.M. u.a., 171-187; Mehrsprachige Figurenrede in der postmigrantischen Gegenwartsliteratur am Beispiel von Fatma Aydemirs Ellbogen – Dekonstruktion oder Reproduktion sprachlicher Dominanzen? In: Zeitschrift für Migrationspädagogische Zweitsprachdidaktik 1.1/2022:11-38.


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How to Cite

Kofer, M. (2024). New Black Literature as a Field of German Studies – Reflections on Theorization and Didactization in Universities in the Context of Decolonization. Convivium. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Polen, 13–46.