About the Journal

CONVIVIUM. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Polen was founded in 1993 and published until 2018 by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). After the political transformation in former central-eastern Europe, several similar journals which aimed at presenting new research in German Studies came to life. The premise of the journal was its interdisciplinarity: it encompassed linguistics, literature studies and cultural studies. The authors included Polish and German scholars as well as scholars from other countries. The journal was published in German. From the start, CONVIVIUM became a valued discussion forum for the German Studies community in Poland. One reason for this, was the significant lack of journals which could reach beyond local universities to create a platform connecting German and Polish research. DAAD financing played a huge role in the development of the journal as it made it possible, among other things, to organize yearly meetings of the Editorial Team, Editorial Board and language editors (at the time these positions were filled by DAAD language teachers working in Poland). The first Chief Editor of the journal was the literature specialist Prof. Stefan Kaszyński, and DAAD teacher Dr Martin Grinberg. Both were literature specialists at the German Philology Institute at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań (AMU). This is why AMU was for many years the headquarters of the journal. In 2016, the Editorial Board appointed Prof. Beata Mikołajczyk (a linguist from AMU), Prof. Joanna Jabłkowska (a literature specialist from the University of Lodz) and Professor Gudrun Heidemann  (a literature specialist from the University of Lodz) as Chief Editors of the journal. Professor Gudrun Heidemann additionally holds the post of Managing Editor of the journal. Dr Karolina Waliszewska from AMU is responsible for technical editing. CONVIVIUM is published by Lodz University Press.

CONVIVIUM is published yearly. Once a year the Editorial Board, whose meetings still take place regularly in Poznań or in Lodz, establishes one leading topic for the issue. One or two members of the Board formulate a Call for Papers, which invites potential authors to engage in the suggested issue. It is possible however to publish articles outside the scope of the leading topic. The interdisciplinarity of the journal is what attracts authors: we welcome contributions from literature studies, linguistics, cultural studies, film studies, theatre studies, comic book studies, digital studies, gender studies, media studies, glottodidactics, translation studies, history studies and political sciences. Issues concerning German speaking countries and comparatist studies, are at the centre of our interest. Submitted articles can refer to historical, as well as contemporary topics. CONVIVIUM also features reviews and information about selected important academic events.

All contributions to CONVIVIUM are peer-reviewed (double-blind review) by specialists in the field represented by a given article. Every year the list of reviewers is updated at the Editorial Board meeting.

The language of the journal is German; however we also welcome submissions in English.

Journals scoring by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education: 20  (January 2024).


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