The Progress with the Development of the Prusinowice Village in the Szadek Commune




village, Prusinowice, development, Szadek commune


The aim of the article is to analyse the progress with the development in a historical perspective and to determine its current features in relation to the Prusinowice village. To achieve the adopted goal, camera and field methods were used. The basic tool was an urban inventory conducted in the summer of 2023 and in May 2024. The publication presents a historical outline of the progress with the development in the Prusinowice village, draws attention to the structure of land use, as well as analyses planning documents and the current situation in terms of development.


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How to Cite

Kozieł, M. (2024). The Progress with the Development of the Prusinowice Village in the Szadek Commune. Biuletyn Szadkowski, 24, 107–122.


