Archaeological Relics from the Area of the Szadek Commune in the Collections of the District Museum in Sieradz


  • Marek Urbański Muzeum Okręgowe w Sieradzu



Szadek commune, prehistory, the Middle Ages, modern period, archaeological relics, settlement, District Museum in Sieradz


The collection of archaeological relics from the Szadek region in the collections of the District Museum in Sieradz currently consists of 4,833 items. The finds come from 53 localities. They include materials from the Stone Age to the modern period. Among the prehistoric cultures, the most numerous are the materials of the Lusatian and Przeworsk cultures. However, the largest number of relics comes from the Middle Ages and the modern period, which confirm the great importance of Szadek and its surroundings.

Author Biography

Marek Urbański, Muzeum Okręgowe w Sieradzu

Starszy Kustosz, Kierownik Działu Archeologiii Paleontologii


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How to Cite

Urbański, M. (2024). Archaeological Relics from the Area of the Szadek Commune in the Collections of the District Museum in Sieradz. Biuletyn Szadkowski, 24, 39–58.


