The Siemiątkowski family. Part II. The manor in Wojsławice and its inhabitants in photographs, memoirs and family recollections
Siemiątkowscy, Wojsławice, Sieradz regionAbstract
Helena de domo Walewska (1868–1956) and Antoni (1868–1952), coat of arms Jastrzębiec, were owners of the Wojsławice and Tymienice estates until the outbreak of World War II. The palace in Wojsławice, built in 1900–1902, was their place of residence, from which they were removed in September 1939.they had three sons: Bolesław (1901–1935), Józef (1904–1939) and Jan (1909–1958), and daughter Maria (1903–1979). Part II of the story of the Siemiątkowski family contains of Helena Siemiątkowska’s recollections of the childhood and tragic death of son Bolesław. The palace in Wojsławice was inhabited up to September 1939 by daughter Maria Klińska with three children (Jan, Maria-Antonina called Tereska, and Zofia) and son Jan Siemiątkowski. This study depicts the life of the residents of the manor in the interwar period as well as in the new, hostile, post-war realities far from the family seat.
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