Immigrants from Hessia and Badenia between Łódź and Szadek in the first half of the 19th century
rural settlement, Germany, immigrationAbstract
Peasants from Hessia and Badenia appeared in the Polish Kingdom in the years 1835–1837. The reasons for their emigration were the difficult economic situation in their countries of origin (overpopulation of villages) and encouragement by the Polish Kingdom government and owners of landed estates, who were interested in creating new villages in their lands. As a result, several such settlements were set up (Srebrna, Bechcice, Łobudzice) in the estate of Mikołaj Krzywiec Okołowicz, on the border of Kalisz and Mazowsze voivodeships. The assistance offered by the squire helped the newcomers overcome the difficulties of the first years in the new place. In later years their villages distinguished themselves positively by economic stability. The immigrants from Hessia (Protestants) maintained their distinct character in the Polish (Catholic) environment, while the peasants from Badenia (Catholics) integrated with the Polish population.
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