Becoming a hominid: Notes on the early taxonomy of Australopithecus


  • Goran Štrkalj Department of Anatomical Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, 7 York Rd., Parktown 2193, South Africa



Taung, Australopithecus, Hominidae, Paul Adloff, Dudley J. Morton


The paper attempts to trace the first suggestions that the Australopithecus should be classified as a hominid. It would appear that the first classification of Australopithecus as a member of the family Hominidae is to be found in the works of the German anthropologist Paul Adloff and the American scientist Dudley J. Morton. Adloff.s and especially Morton.s views, although largely neglected at the time when they were first articulated, represent the first steps towards the modern position on the taxonomy of Australopithecus.


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How to Cite

Štrkalj, G. (2000). Becoming a hominid: Notes on the early taxonomy of Australopithecus. Anthropological Review, 63, 31–38.




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