Bone Mineral Density in Children From Anthropological and Clinical Sciences: A Review


  • Bernadette M. Manifold The Mews, Darley Abbey, Derby, DE22 1AG, Derbyshire, United Kingdom



Juvenile skeletal remains, bone health, bioarchaeology, DEXA, forensic anthropology


Bone mineral density (BMD) is a frequent topic of discussion in the clinical literature in relation to the bone health of both adults and children. However, in archaeological and/ or anthropological studies the role of BMD is often cited as a possible factor in the poor skeletal preservation which can lead to an under-representation of juvenile skeletal remains. During skeletal development and growth throughout childhood and adolescence changes take place in both the size and shape of bones and these changes also result in the increasing of mineral content. BMD can be affected by many factors, which include, age, genetics, sexual maturation, amount of physical activity and dietary calcium. This paper aims to review the clinical and anthropological literature on BMD and discuss the numerous methods of measurement and how the availability of certain methods such as Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) and quantitative computed tomography (QCT) can influence the study of bone density in archaeological skeletal collections and also the future potential for forensic anthropological studies.


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How to Cite

Manifold, B. M. (2014). Bone Mineral Density in Children From Anthropological and Clinical Sciences: A Review. Anthropological Review, 77(2), 111–135.




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