Tourism space: an attempt at a fresh look


  • Marek Więckowski Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization


Słowa kluczowe:

tourism space, tourism, poly-functionality, multiple motivation, multi-relativity


In this article, the author is trying to answer the fundamental question: what is present-day tourism space like at a time of highly increasing flows of people or even a shift from the space of a ‘place’ to the space of a ‘flow’? The article puts special stress on how to define the current unique multi-functional space. The author attempts to define tourism space as a new entity, founded on poly-functionality (i.e. different functions and use of the same space both at the same time and in different seasons), multi-scale (overlapping of tourism spaces depending on the scale concerned), multi-layer, as well as the multi-motivation of its creators and users, or even multi-relativity.


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Jak cytować

Więckowski, M. (2014). Tourism space: an attempt at a fresh look. Turyzm/Tourism, 24(1), 17–24.


