Shakespeare Translators’ Voices: The 21st Century Perspective


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Biogramy autorów

Anna Cetera-Włodarczyk - Uniwersytet Warszawski

is Associate Professor of English literature at the University of Warsaw. Her publications include several monographs centred on Shakespeare and translation either in theatrical context or within Polish cultural history and a number of essays on drama analysis and literary translation (CUP, Palgrave, Shakespeare, Cahiers Élisabéthains). In the years 2016-2024 she managed two state-aimed projects at digitising all Polish 19th-21st century Shakespeare translations (, whereas since 2009 she has been editing a critical series of new translations of Shakespeare (currently 6 volumes). She is member of ISA, ESRA and CEESRA.

Jesús Tronch - University of Valencia, Spain

is a university teacher and researcher at the Universitat de València Estudi General. His research focuses on the transmission and editing of the texts of early modern English drama (often in comparison with Spanish theatre), on the use of digital technologies in this research, and on the reception and translation of Shakespeare in Spain. Among his monographs, he has published A Synoptic ‘Hamlet’ (2002), and coedited with Clara Calvo The Spanish Tragedy for Arden Early Modern Drama (2013). He is currently co-directing the open-access EMOTHE database and digital library of Early Modern European Theatre.


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Jak cytować

Cetera-Włodarczyk, A., Tronch, J., Lind, P. B., Hatzopoulos, N., Plescia, I., Ciobanu, E., … Hrdinová, A. (2024). Shakespeare Translators’ Voices: The 21st Century Perspective. Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance, 29(44), 13–38.




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