Introduction: Shakespeare and/in Europe: Connecting Voices


  • Nicole Fayard University of Leicester, UK



Group conflict, Exclusion, Europe, Politics, History, Religion, Social, Reception


Recent Shakespearean productions, just like current European crises, have highlighted the exclusionary nature of European identity. In defining the scope of this special issue, the aim of this introduction is to shift the study of Shakespeare in/and Europe away from the ideological field of “unity within diversity” and its attendant politics of negotiation and mediation. Instead, it investigates whether re-situating Shakespearean analysis within regimes of exclusionary politics and group conflict attitudes helps to generate dynamic cultural and social understandings. To what effect is Shakespeare’s work invoked in relation with the tensions inherent in European societies? Can such invocations encourage reflections on Europe as a social, political and/or cultural entity? Is it possible to conceptualize Shakespearean drama as offering an effective instrument that connects―or not―the voices of the people of Europe?


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Author Biography

Nicole Fayard, University of Leicester, UK

Nicole Fayard is Associate Professor of French at the University of Leicester. Her research interests focus on the politics of the performance, translation and remediation of Shakespeare in France and Europe, with particular reference to cultural memory and transnational identities. Her numerous publications in this field include The Performance of Shakespeare in France since the Second World War: Re-Imagining Shakespeare (Mellen 2006) and Comparative Drama: Over His Dead Body (2016) co-edited with Erica Sheen. Her other research interests focus on the history and politics of gender violence and trauma, social movements and feminist activism in contemporary France. She published Speaking Out. Women Healing From the Trauma of Violence in 2014.


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How to Cite

Fayard, N. (2019). Introduction: Shakespeare and/in Europe: Connecting Voices. Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance, 19(34), 9–30.

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