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Turkish Shakespeare Studies: An Origins Story




Turkey, higher education, Shakespeare studies, curriculum


Shakespeare is among the most important non-Turkish authors in Turkey and has become an indispensable part of the theatre repertory and the educational curricula. Yet, the origins of Shakespeare studies have a complicated legacy dating back to the imperialistic motivations of foreign schools in Ottoman Turkey. However, starting with the republican period, Shakespeare productions and studies were utilised to spread the progressive reforms of the republic that were maintained through the theatres and the various universities primarily set in Istanbul and in Ankara. Accordingly, this article will explore the origins of the academic study of Shakespeare in Turkey.


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Author Biography

Murat Öğütcü, Adıyaman University, Turkey

received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of English Language and Literature at Hacettepe University, Turkey, in 2016. From August 2012 to January 2013, he was a visiting scholar at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. He is currently associate professor at Adıyaman University, Turkey. He is the General Editor of the “Turkish Shakespeares” Project which aims to introduce texts, productions and research on Turkish Shakespeares to a broader international audience of students, teachers, and researchers. He is also a researcher at the AHRC-funded “Medieval and Early Modern Orients” project which aims to contribute to our understanding of the medieval and early modern encounters between England and the Islamic Worlds. He is among the regional editors of the Global Shakespeares Project and the World Shakespeare Bibliography. He has written book chapters and articles on his research interests, including early modern studies, Shakespeare, and cultural studies.


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How to Cite

Öğütcü, M. (2023). Turkish Shakespeare Studies: An Origins Story. Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance, 27(42), 83–105.

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