Genealogy as a Method to Legitimise Rulership in Some Balkan and Scandinavian Sources



Słowa kluczowe:

Icelandic sagas, the Nominalia, kings lists, genealogies, origin stories, legitimization, cultural memory, cultural identity, founding narratives, crisis literature


This paper will focus on several sources from Scandinavia and the Balkans, and compare the types of genealogies portrayed in them – descent from gods, descent from another kind of supernatural being, descent from a legendary hero. The paper will examine the types of genealogies and the purpose they serve; how and why they were commissioned? Is there a difference in the establishment of the image of the ruler if the latter has descended from gods, legendary heroes, or a specific clan or dynasty? Does Christianity change the tradition of writing genealogies and the stories they retell? Are personal qualities enough to provide legitimate claims?


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Jak cytować

Stankova, V. (2020). Genealogy as a Method to Legitimise Rulership in Some Balkan and Scandinavian Sources. Studia Ceranea, 10, 227–239.




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