Editorial Instructions
1. An article sent to Journal FLR must be an original work that meets the general criteria of scientific originality and has not been published elsewhere. The Author must ensure that agreement to publish has been obtained from any person(s) who may be deemed to have a stake in its publication. The article must not contain any defamatory or otherwise objectionable material. The Author will be held responsible for any infringement of another person’s rights.
2. The Author must send a complete version of the paper by e-mail according to Copy formatting for FLR. The Author is also asked to provide all information that identifies him/her as Author (name, surname, institutional affiliation and address, e-mail address) with a short biographical and bibliographical notice (maximum 1000 characters spaces included). All those details should be given in a separate Word file.
3. Papers published in successive issues of the FLR will be freely accessible from the University of Łódź Repository.
4. Each Author will receive a copy of his article in PDF format and will retain copyright of the article.
1. Generalities:
- Please use software that will enable you save your files in DOC, DOCX, RTF
- Article should not as a rule exceed 30000 characters (spaces and footnotes included);
- Language of article: especially French and Polish; occasionally English, Spain, Italian
- Margins: top: 2,5; bottom 2,5; left 3; right 3
- No page of the copy should be numbered.
- Title of article: bolded, Times New Roman, 11 pt
- Below: please insert two summaries of the paper preceded by their titles in two languages; the first one must be in English, the second one must be in another language, different from the language of the paper; 1000 characters spaces included, Times New Roman, 9 pt.
- At the end of each summary please give a list of keywords in the language of this summary.
- Subtitles: Times New Roman, 11 pt, bolded, numbered consecutively, left aligned text.
2. Main text:
- Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt
- Line spacing: 1,5
- The use of a figure border, coloured background areas, expanded spacing, underlining, bolded texts, should be avoided.
- Please don’t use the tab key to indent the Fix the first line indent (6 mm) in the format box.
- Foreign words and phrases should be given in italics.
3. Quotations:
- Short quotations (up to 3 lines) should be run on with the main text and given within quotation marks, without italics. Please respect quotation marks typical for each language. In verse quotation incorporated into running text, line breaks are indicated by slash (/) ; in the strophe by double slash (//).
- Longer quotations (more than 3 lines) Times New Roman, 9 pt, should be set off from the main text and presented without quotation marks, without italics, without paragraph breaks, or indents. In quotations paragraphs are to be separated by an em dash (―).
4. Footnotes:
- In the text, footnote calls should be superscripted and placed at the end of the clause or the sentence that is referred to in the text or is directly relevant to it. A footnote call is always placed before the full stop. At the end of a quotation the footnote call should be placed after the quotation marks.
- Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page, in Times New Roman, size 9 pt. They should be single-spaced, numbered consecutively throughout the text with superscript Arabic numbers. Each footnote finishes with a full stop.
- Electronic sources should include the URL of the electronic site and the date of consultation.
- Use of carriage return should by All paragraphs should be separated by an em dash (―). Verses will be separated as a short quotation.
- Please use all abbreviations in Latin: , op. cit., idem / eadem, cf., vide, etc., et al., in.
- Examples of bibliographical references in English language article:
- Pequigney, Such Is My Love: A Study of Shakespeare’s Sonnets, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1985
- Coester, “A Bibliography of Spanish-American Literature”, Romanic Review, vol. III, 1912, p. 68-101
- Levin, “Critical Approaches to Shakespeare from 1660 to 1904”, in The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare Studies, ed. S. Wells, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1986, p. 213-229
5. Bibliography:
- Please join a separate bibliography at the end of the paper.
- The Author’s surname should come first followed by his/her first name(s). Give the full name of the Author.
- Except the rule concerning the order of the surname and the first name(s), please use the same style of bibliographical references as in footnotes. Do not put a full stop at the end of the reference.
6. Illustrations:
- They should be supplied in separate electronic files, in .jpg or .tiff format at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, one file for every Their location should be reported in the body text as (Fig. 1). Each illustration should be numbered in order of appearance in the body text. Figure legends should be detailed.
- It is the responsibility of the author to obtain necessary permissions from the relevant authorities for all illustrations under copyright. Permissions should be sent to the Editorial Aboard of FLR.