Crisis of the Utterable. Euphemisms and Diversions of the Human Face in Jean Hatzfeld’s "Machete Season"




Rwanda, genocide, trauma, unspeakable, unutterable, maldicible, event, Jean Hatzfeld


After listening empathically to testimonies from surviving Tutsis (Into the Quick of Life, 2000), the French author and journalist Jean Hatzfeld reversed the perspective by gathering recollections of the events from Hutu murderers, in Machete Season (2003). This paper shows how the executioner stories are immersed in the unutterable, a posture marked by a calculating and reifying discourse that aims to remain silent about the event rather than to relate them, which divert and appropriate speech. The experience of the event is therefore reduced to its factual aspects, which evacuate any form of subjectivization. Such rhetorical posture, very direct and very crude at times, but more importantly forged with euphemisms and diversions, contribute to the depersonalization of the murderers, therefore normalizing extreme violence and concealing the face of the Tutsi.


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Author Biography

Eric Chevrette, University of Toronto

Eric Chevrette, Ph. D. en études littéraires, est chargé de cours au Département d’études françaises de l’Université de Toronto. Spécialiste des littératures contemporaines québécoise et française, il s’intéresse aux relations que la littérature entretient avec la philosophie et l’histoire. Il est l’auteur de Vigiles de mémoire. Esth/éthique du maldicible chez Modiano, Ernaux, Le Clézio (Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2020), ouvrage portant sur les modes de transmission et d’énonciation de la mémoire chez ces trois auteurs. Il a entre autres signé des articles sur Éric Vuillard, Frédéric Beigbeder et Carl Leblanc, et a codirigé le dossier « Mémoires, histoires et vérités dans la littérature française contemporaine » pour la revue Études françaises (2021).


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How to Cite

Chevrette, E. . (2022). Crisis of the Utterable. Euphemisms and Diversions of the Human Face in Jean Hatzfeld’s "Machete Season". Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica, 17(1), 91–103.