“From Title to Poetics: Benoît Gonon’s Collections of Short Stories”
short exemplary story, history, Benoît Gonon, titles, 17th century, French literatureAbstract
Benoît Gonon, author of three collections of short stories, is almost completely unknown today. As one of the epigones of the genre of short story in the 17th century, Gonon writes his stories to moralize and edify his readers. It is hardly surprising that, in terms of the themes addressed by the author, his work does not reveal too much originality. However, one observes there an interesting element: the titles given by Gonon to the three volumes of short stories, which contain in germ the literary program of the author. In each volume Gonon introduces himself as a compiler seeking invention from other writers. But, from one volume to another, Benoît Gonon also adds other interesting elements: he gradually enriches the thematic layer of his compilations, he signals his target audience. These amplifications of the title reveal the concern of the author for the rhetorical effectiveness of the titles of his compilations.
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