“Disregard of Reason in the Social Realities of the 20th in Selected Literary Works by Marguerite Duras”





Duras, history, emptiness, nonsense, suffering, rationalism, subconsciousness


One of the important problems raised in the works by Marguerite Duras is a specific opposition to rationalism, understood as the loss of meaning and absurdity of human existence in the face of the tragedy of World War Two. In this way, the author presents her attitude to Nazi barbarism, and in a broader context to the history of mankind. Her texts − exposing the writer’s doubts and obsessions − express the lack of logic of the world, the painful awareness of the inevitability of misfortune, existential emptiness, and the powerlessness of a man towards his own impotence. By rejecting “material life”, Duras’s work resounds with the contestation of rationalism illustrating the paradoxes of the 20th century, connected on the one hand with the possibilities and, on the other, with the limitations and suffering of the human being. Duras’s works emphasize emphatically the shortcomings of humanistic thought and the helplessness of philosophy, emphasizing the huge role of extrasensory sphere of sensations and feelings as well as artistic intuition in the perception of reality deconstructed by the exercise of the imaginary.


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Author Biography

Anna Ledwina, Université d’Opole

Anna Ledwina, docteur ès lettres HDR, maître de conférences à l’Institut de Littérature à l’Université d’Opole et auteure de : Les Représentations de la transgression dans l’œuvre de Marguerite Duras sur l’exemple des romans « Un Barrage contre le Pacifique », « Moderato cantabile » et « L’Amant », Opole, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2013 ; Du duo vers le trio amoureux : figures beauvoiriennes de l’altérité, Opole, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2019. Sa recherche se focalise sur la littérature française du XXe siècle, avant tout l’écriture féminine. Ses centres d’intérêt actuels sont les suivants : enjeux de l’altérité, articulation entre la création et l’identité, anthropologie culturelle des sexes.


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How to Cite

Ledwina, A. (2020). “Disregard of Reason in the Social Realities of the 20th in Selected Literary Works by Marguerite Duras”. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica, (15), 231–241. https://doi.org/10.18778/1505-9065.15.16