The Body as a Private and Social Space. The Margins of Research Regarding Old Age and Gender


  • Mariola Bieńko University of Warsaw, Poland



Body Image, Physical Attractiveness, Gender, Old Age, Culture


In the conditions of late modernity, the body is a project realized in both the public and private spheres. The aim of this article is to review theories and empirical studies concerning socio-cultural issues and the subjective determinants of perceptions of physicality. The body has become the main instrument of experiencing the world and oneself, a significant area, a key element of an individual’s identification strategy. The modern human speaks with and through the body, the person’s identity is reduced to self-presentation, by projecting their physicality, they project themselves. The presentation and reception of body is dominated by an aesthetic perspective, organically bound with the tendency to aestheticize daily life in general.

The text is based on empirical data, analysis of 403 qualitative interviews conducted between 2012-2014 in Polish cities: Warsaw, Kielce, Chelmno, and Przemysl. The research shows that the emotional aspect of experiencing body, as well as the cognitive aspect within consciousness, the mental image of one’s own body, differ according to the respondents’ age and gender.


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Author Biography

Mariola Bieńko, University of Warsaw, Poland

Mariola Bieńko, doctor of sociology, is an associate professor in the Cathedral of Family Studies and Social Pathology, Department of Applied Social Sciences and Rehabilitation at the Institute of Applied Social Sciences (ISNS), University of Warsaw. Her academic areas of interest include sociological analysis of everyday life; sociology of marriages and family, intimate relations in empirical studies theory; psycho-social aspects of human sexuality and sexual education. Expert in academic study programs including those for the Institute of Public Affairs (ISP), the Institute for the Development of Social Services (IRSS), Cultural Institute of Copernicus Science Center, Friends of the Children Society, the Federation for Women and Family Planning, Ponton Group of Sex Educators. She is also the author of program modules in European Social Fund projects. Vice-chairperson of the Family Sociology section at PTS (Polish Sociological Association).


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How to Cite

Bieńko, M. (2018). The Body as a Private and Social Space. The Margins of Research Regarding Old Age and Gender. Qualitative Sociology Review, 14(2), 52–77.