The Hegemonization and Counter-Hegemonization of Polish Copyright Discourses




Copyright Discourse, Conflict over Copyright, Hegemony, Counter- Hegemony, Poland


This article explores the nature and structure of Polish discourses on copyright, specifically revealing to what extent social conflict over copyright is visible within these discourses and presenting the most important parties in this conflict. Following Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe’s discursive reconstruction of the hegemony, the article indicates that Polish copyright discourses are structured by an alternating sequence of discursive hegemonic and counter-hegemonic practices. The article specifies the most important logic applied within discursive battles over copyright by deconstructing the central dualities visible in Polish copyright debates. Hegemonization and counter-hegemonization of the discourses are indicated based on the discourse analysis of the Polish public debate on copyright and a qualitative analysis of in-depth interviews and focus group interviews with representatives of selected parties in the social conflict over copyright.


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Author Biography

Ewa Radomska, Jagiellonian University, Poland

Ewa Radomska is a Ph.D. candidate at the Faculty of Law and Administration (the Department of Sociology of Law) of the Jagiellonian University; a holder of an MA in law and an MA in sociology. Her research interests focus on the communication of law, legal consciousness, discourse on law, social aspects of intellectual property, criminology, and security science. She is the author and co-author of several articles in the field of sociology of law (e.g., Police legitimacy, spatial crime analysis, legal consciousness of Polish society, copyright discourse, and relations between law and culture).


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How to Cite

Radomska, E. (2024). The Hegemonization and Counter-Hegemonization of Polish Copyright Discourses. Qualitative Sociology Review, 20(3), 80–106.


