Coping with Stigma: Experiences and Responses of Former Youth in Care




Child Welfare, Youth in Care, Foster Care, Social Stigma, Stereotyping, Goffman


This paper examines social stigma in relation to child welfare involvement. Drawing on interviews with twenty former youth in care, the paper highlights the participants’ experiences with stigma and their adaptive responses. Notably, participants described pervasive stigma that accompanied their status as youth in care. To contend with the stigma they experienced, participants developed a range of responses, including concealment, challenging the stereotypes, physical retaliation, and seeking solidarity. The study aligns with previous research identifying concealment as a relevant strategy for mitigating the effects of stigma among foster care recipients. However, the results also extend the literature in this area by identifying additional adaptive responses. Moreover, the participants revealed that the stigma they experienced was pervasive, yielding long-term effects.


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Author Biography

Christine Carey, McMaster University, Canada

Christine Carey is a Ph.D. graduate from McMaster University’s sociology department and is currently working as a research consultant specializing in social program evaluation. Her broad research interests include the study of social problems, child welfare and social service systems, and the sociology of sport.


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How to Cite

Carey, C. (2023). Coping with Stigma: Experiences and Responses of Former Youth in Care. Qualitative Sociology Review, 19(3), 26–51.


