The Film in Hand Modes of Coordination and Assisted Virtuosity in the Bombay Film Studios


  • Emmanuel Grimaud Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris



Gesture, Demonstration, Film set, Shooting, Bombay, Ethno(video)graphy


Less has been said about the hand movements of the film makers, their cultural dimension and the place of this "corporate language" in the film making process, probably because this object is difficult to capture even with a diary. Gestures go too fast to be sketched on the spot and often faster than the perception of the ethnographer. Some of these gestures are made to stabilize the frame or simulate the camera movement but lots of them are difficult to classify and don't fall into this category, like the ones which are produced to accompany the actors' action or to invite him to perform a certain action and which have more to do with a mode of demonstration involving the entire body. This article, mostly based on videos of Bombay film makers at work, tries to identify the specificity of these gestures in terms of communication or interaction and their potential of coordination in the film set dynamics.


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Author Biography

Emmanuel Grimaud, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris

Emmanuel Grimaud anthropologist, researcher at CNRS (Paris, France) and cofounder of the Artmap Group of research ( Emmanuel Grimaud has written an extensive ethnography of the Bombay film studios where he has worked as an assistant director (Bollywood Film Studio, Paris: CNRS Editions, 2004). His study deals with the specificity of the Bombay studios in terms of coordination between the different corporations involved in the film making process and shows how these studios have elaborated alternative models to those commonly at work in film studio organisations. Emmanuel Grimaud has also published a portrait of a Mahatma Gandhi's duplicate (Le sosie de Gandhi ou l'incroyable histoire de Ram Dayal Srivastava, Paris: CNRS Editions, 2007) and his third book deals with the world of studio machineries, special effects supervisors and religious robotic theatres in Bombay (Cosmic City, Paris: L'Archange Minotaure, 2007, under press).


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How to Cite

Grimaud, E. (2007). The Film in Hand Modes of Coordination and Assisted Virtuosity in the Bombay Film Studios. Qualitative Sociology Review, 3(3), 59–77.