Social Introspection of I. A. Bláha and Wittgenstein’s’ Argument Counter to Private Language. Anniversary Study on Introspection Approach in Social Sciences.


  • Dušan Janák Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic



I. A. Bláha, L. Wittgenstein, Social introspection, Private language argument, Language games, Czech sociology


The following text discusses the method of social introspection of the Czech philosopher and sociologist I.A. Bláha. It focuses both on presenting the method and exploring its potentials and limits in order to understand social reality. The application of the Wittgenstein´s argument against the private language as a critique of the introspective perspective and a brief analysis of the phenomenological approach in sociology will help to assess the boundaries of this approach. Theoretical conclusions of application of the introspection method in sociology are drawn at the end of the text and thus allow to assess applicability of the Blaha's own method.


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Author Biography

Dušan Janák, Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic

Dušan Janák is assistant professor at Silesian University in Opava (Czech republic). Among his main fields of research are Central European societies; history of social thought; social philosophy and philosophy of social sciences. In this fields he published several articles in diferent (mostly Czech) scientific journals. He published a monograph about sociology of I. A. Bláha in 2009.


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How to Cite

Janák, D. (2010). Social Introspection of I. A. Bláha and Wittgenstein’s’ Argument Counter to Private Language. Anniversary Study on Introspection Approach in Social Sciences. Qualitative Sociology Review, 6(2), 51–72.


