Is Apostasy from a Family Possible? The Apostasy from an Alcoholic-Abusive Family as a Variant of (Un)Becoming a Daughter – the Case of Natalia


  • Sylwia Urbańska Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw, Poland



Apostasy, Agency of the Child, Family Studies, Status Passage, Liminality, Apostasy Narrative, Biographical Methods, Authoritarian Family, Working Class, Poland


An analysis of the biography of Natalia, a former resident of a Polish children’s home who, at the age of thirteen, voluntarily left her biological, dysfunctional family, aims to address a question which is fundamental, but rarely asked by the sociologists of family. Is it possible to completely quit a relation with one’s family of origin? What identity and biographical consequences does such a decision imply? This article consists of two parts. In the first, theoretical one, I argue that the process of quitting one’s family is a liminal, unstructured status passage, especially, for two categories of actors – adolescents and mothers who decide to pass taking care of children to fathers. I take into account the cultural and institutional basis of the liminal character of their experience. I also explain why, in order to comprehend those difficult instances, I propose using the metaphor of apostasy. The second, empirical part of the article, is devoted to studying the biographical and identity consequences and limitations of the process of apostasy. I analyze them on the basis of Natalia’s autobiography, which provided inspiration for those reflections.


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Author Biography

Sylwia Urbańska, Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw, Poland

Sylwia Urbańska, Sociologist, received her PhD at the Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw, where she also graduated and currently works as an Assistant Professor. The focus of her expertise is on sociology and history of families, motherhood, migrations of women, and gender issues. An additional area of her academic specialization is the methodology of sociological research, especially qualitative research – narrative/biographical methods, global ethnography. In 2005-2010, she was conducting ethnographical research both in Polish villages/small cities and in Belgium. She was analyzing experiences of transnational mothering in narrative biographical accounts of Polish women care workers in Brussels (1989-2009). Her doctoral project “Mothering in the process of social change in the contexts of global migrations of women. The Polish case” has also received national recognition: PM Awards for the best doctoral thesis (2012); and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, Institute of Labor and Social Studies Award for the best doctoral thesis in the field of work and political sciences (2011).


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How to Cite

Urbańska, S. (2014). Is Apostasy from a Family Possible? The Apostasy from an Alcoholic-Abusive Family as a Variant of (Un)Becoming a Daughter – the Case of Natalia. Qualitative Sociology Review, 10(1), 80–103.