A Situation, a Narrative, and a Life History. The Case of Natalia


  • Gerhard Riemann Technische Hochschule Nuremberg Georg Simon Ohm, Germany




Biographical Analysis, Autobiographical Narrative, Trajectories of Suffering, Background Construction, Pre-coda Commentary


I will first focus on problems which might emerge in narrative interviews with people who have experienced long-term trajectories of suffering, before discussing the researcher’s specific style of doing this particular biographical interview – a style which is marked by sensibility and considerateness, but might contain some problems nevertheless. Afterwards, I will deal with two formal features of the interviewee’s introductory narrative – a complicated background construction and an extended pre-coda commentary – in order to reveal the analytical significance of these features for a deeper understanding of the interviewee’s life history and her way of making sense of her experiences. The article ends with a discussion of some topics which are relevant for an analytical abstraction.


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Author Biography

Gerhard Riemann, Technische Hochschule Nuremberg Georg Simon Ohm, Germany

Gerhard Riemann, is a sociologist and a professor of Social Work at the Technische Hochschule Georg Simon Ohm in Nuremberg. His main research interests are biographical research, narrative analysis, and the analysis of professional work.


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How to Cite

Riemann, G. (2014). A Situation, a Narrative, and a Life History. The Case of Natalia. Qualitative Sociology Review, 10(1), 20–36. https://doi.org/10.18778/1733-8077.10.1.02