“Keeping up with the Joneses.” A sociological content analysis of advertising catalogues with the eye-tracking method


  • Jakub Isański Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
  • Mateusz Leszkowicz Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland




Erving Goffman, Eye-tracking Research, Visual Analysis, Qualitative Research


Is it possible to look at something without actually noticing it? Is it possible to see something in the picture that is not really there? The answers to these philosophical questions can be obtained by comparing the results of eye-tracking tests combined with interviews based on sociological theories. The answers, however, have more than the philosophical dimension in that they can provide insight into everyday processes of social perception and its application, also for commercial purposes. In the design phase of the present study, we chose a popular advertising folder available for free for the average consumer. While showing the selected photographs to the respondents (all the pictures included people portrayed during everyday activities), we asked them to pay particular attention to the situations presented. Afterwards, each participant took part in a standardised interview. In our view, the conclusions formulated on the basis of the obtained results are relevant not only to the investigated catalogue, but can also be treated as an indicator of how people usually browse through advertisements and what kind of inferences they make about the world on that basis. While most attention should be given to watching the advertisements, we constitute our dreams of a perfect life, environment and the items that furnish it.


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Author Biographies

Jakub Isański, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland

Jakub Isański works at the Institute of Sociology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland; main areas of research: sociological aspects of travel and tourism, mobile media and social networks, social capital.

Mateusz Leszkowicz, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland

Mateusz Leszkowicz is a PhD student at the Faculty of Educational Studies at the University of A.Mickiewicz. As part of his doctoral dissertation he conducts research on visual behaviour ofteenagers during their interactions with media. During the data collection he uses a method of eyetracking.


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How to Cite

Isański, J., & Leszkowicz, M. (2011). “Keeping up with the Joneses.” A sociological content analysis of advertising catalogues with the eye-tracking method. Qualitative Sociology Review, 7(2), 85–100. https://doi.org/10.18778/1733-8077.07.2.04


