Lew Szestow wobec filozoficznej tradycji Aten
In this article we are trying to show the Shestovs point of view at the origins and nature of rationalistic philosophy which he names "philosophy of Athens". It's very important part of Shestov philosophy, for it helps him to explain the true situation of a modern man in the world. For Shestov the Greek philosophy was not the result of astonishment, but fear. Fear of unknown, chaotic reality. In order to get rid of that man started to search for certainty and order, both on the ground of metaphysics and ethics. The only appropriate instrument here was Reason with his necessary and immutable truths. For Shestov the whole history of Greek philosophy in general is a process of gradual rationalization of the world.Pobrania
Jak cytować
Litwin, R. (2004). Lew Szestow wobec filozoficznej tradycji Aten. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica, (16), 119–129. https://doi.org/10.18778/0208-6107.16.07

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