Journals’ platform of the Opole University as an example of synergy in building open access to university publications


  • Dorota Wierzbicka-Próchniak Biblioteka Główna, Uniwersytet Opolski
  • Danuta Szewczyk-Kłos Biblioteka Główna, Uniwersytet Opolski



scientific journals, Open Access, open access policy, Open Access platform, University of Opole, library


In September 2018 the National Science Center declared to participate in the implementation of the S Plan, which provides that since January 1, 2020, all academic publications created as a result of public funding must be published in Open Access journals or on Open Access platforms. At the University of Opole, the work has already been on the way to launch a platform that would provide open access to the university academic journals. Ultimately, thirteen titles published by the university were placed on it. This task was entrusted to the Main Library of the University of Opole as a unit coordinating all work. Apart from the university repository, this is another form of the library’s active participation in implementing the policy of open access on Opole Alma Mater. The platform was launched in November 2018. The work related to its creation has not yet been completed. The aim of the article is to present the stages of building the platform with the participation of editorial offices, university publishing houses, university IT Services, an external company and a team of library employees. It also shows the scope of work performed by project participants to ensure an efficient functioning of the platform and a high level of visibility of platform’s resources in databases indexing scientific content.


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How to Cite

Wierzbicka-Próchniak, D., & Szewczyk-Kłos, D. (2020). Journals’ platform of the Opole University as an example of synergy in building open access to university publications. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Librorum, 1(30), 47–55.


