Library training at the University of Lodz Library in the eyes of students: discussion of the results of the evaluation survey


  • Justyna Jerzyk-Wojtecka Library of the University of Lodz



library training, e-learning, evaluation, survey research, Library University of Lodz


The article describes the basic methodological issues of the evaluation practices in public institutions. Supported with the results of the library training evaluation survey, the students’ attitude to the course and their skills assessment of the library service knowledge was characterized. In conclusion, the demands for further students’ opinion surveys and continuous adjustments of the training to the needs of the academic youths have been made.



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How to Cite

Jerzyk-Wojtecka, J. (2019). Library training at the University of Lodz Library in the eyes of students: discussion of the results of the evaluation survey. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Librorum, 2(29), 73–87.


