Do (union) library catalogues are still necessary? OPAC in the infotopia


  • Marek Nahotko Jagiellonian University, Institute of Information Studies



metadata interoperability, union catalogues, OPAC, big data, Linked Open Data


The article presents the basic function of union catalogues: ensuring interoperability of library metadata. The problem of metadata interoperability was defined as an element of cooperation of information systems, especially functioning in the network. The methods used to ensure interoperability were presented. Three technologies were described that should facilitate metadata interoperability in the future: NoSQL databases, cloud applications and Linked Open Data.



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How to Cite

Nahotko, M. (2019). Do (union) library catalogues are still necessary? OPAC in the infotopia. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Librorum, 2(29), 43–59.


