A Good Practice (based on ELINET criteria) of Non-formal Education Involving a Library to Improve Literacy Skills (on the example of Hungarian project)


  • Ildikó Szabó Department of Mother Tongue and Art Education, Faculty of Pedagogy John von Neumann University, Hungary




literacy good practice, non-formal education, co-operation of librarians, pre- and in-service teachers


Started in February 2014, ELINET project run for 2 years including 28 European countries. It aimed to analyse and consult on literacy policies at a local, regional, national, and trans-national level, raising awareness of literacy issues and coordinating campaigns. Ultimately, the fruit of this network was to include a European framework of good practice in raising literacy levels and a sample of corresponding examples. The paper is to present the way good practices were collected and reviewed; and introduces a good practice (run by John von Neumann University Pedagogical Faculty, “Reading belongs to everyone, even to you!”) based on the ELINET good practice framework.


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Author Biography

Ildikó Szabó, Department of Mother Tongue and Art Education, Faculty of Pedagogy John von Neumann University, Hungary

Ildikó Szabó has a PhD in Lingusitics. She teaches Linguistics, Methodology, American Literature and Civilization. She is involved in pre-service and in-service teacher training. She also teaches English in a primary school. She takes part in international researches on language teaching (CulTiFoLa, pri-sec-co, MOLAN, INTACT, AduLeT) and reading literacy (ADORE, BaCuLit, ISIT, ELINET, BleTeach). Her research areas are: early language teaching, CLIL method, bilingual education, teacher training, literacy.


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How to Cite

Szabó, I. (2018). A Good Practice (based on ELINET criteria) of Non-formal Education Involving a Library to Improve Literacy Skills (on the example of Hungarian project). Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Librorum, 2(27), 37–54. https://doi.org/10.18778/0860-7435.27.02


