The script Prowadzenie biblioteki i konserwacja książki w obozie żołnierskim (“Running a library and book conservation in a soldier camp”) by Janusz Teodor Dybowski as an example of instructional and methodical activity during World War II




Soldier libraries, Dybowski Janusz Teodor, methodology of library work, internment camps, Poles in Switzerland


The subject of the article is a document by the later writer, author of books and plays, Janusz Teodor Dybowski, prepared in the form of a script for the needs of Polish soldiers interned in Switzerland and published in Geneva in the early 1940s. The document, discussed with the use of the historical method, is an interesting example of instructional activity, preparing to conduct library work in the specific conditions of a prisoner of war camp.


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How to Cite

Walczak, K. (2022). The script Prowadzenie biblioteki i konserwacja książki w obozie żołnierskim (“Running a library and book conservation in a soldier camp”) by Janusz Teodor Dybowski as an example of instructional and methodical activity during World War II. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Librorum, 1(34), 13–21.


