‘To Illustrate the Unspeakable’. Images in a philosophical picturebooks for children


  • Alina Brzuska-Kępa Uniwersytet Łódzki, Katedra Informatologii i Bibliologii
  • Rafał Kępa




picturebook, philosophical book for children, picture, illustration, intersemiotic translation


In the last few years on the book market there are more and more philosophical books intended for children, or at least ‘philosophising’. A large part of the publication of this type are picturebooks, using an image as the main carrier of information. In this article we will try to answer the question whether the adoption of such a convention – it is constructing content based not only on the text, but also as a significant image (sometimes made by the same person) can be helpful with these ‘unspeakable’ concepts. How authors and illustrators are trying to present the most general and the most difficult issues? Whether the use of the image would be helpful in this case, or what ‘unspeakable’ is also ‘unillustrateable’?


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How to Cite

Brzuska-Kępa, A., & Kępa, R. (2016). ‘To Illustrate the Unspeakable’. Images in a philosophical picturebooks for children. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Librorum, 1(22-23), 45–64. https://doi.org/10.18778/0860-7435.22.23.04




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