Books on Polish politics concerning the Revolutions of 1848 from the Georg Friedlaender collection in the Library of the University of Lodz


  • Paweł Spodenkiewicz Oddział Zbiorów Specjalnych, Sekcja Rękopisów, Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego



Revolutions of 1848, Grand Duchy of Posen, George Friedlaender, Library of the University of Łódź, Berliner Stadtbibliothek, hobby of collecting


The author discussed the history of books, leaflets and posters collected by George Friedlaender (1829–1892), a Berlin physician, who was mainly concerned with the Revolutions of 1848 in Germany. Till the WWII his collection belonged to the Berliner Stadtbibliothek. After the war a large part of it became the property of the Library of the University of Lodz. Since Friedlaender sympathized with the Poles’ struggles for independence, he collected around 120 items of literature on the Polish matter. The research conducted in the library proved that about half of his Polish prints are now located in Łódź. Some of those books were signed by Count Eugeniusz Breza (1802–1860) and most probably belonged to his collection in the 19th century.


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How to Cite

Spodenkiewicz, P. (2021). Books on Polish politics concerning the Revolutions of 1848 from the Georg Friedlaender collection in the Library of the University of Lodz. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Librorum, 1(32), 11–18.


