Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The text adheres to all of the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Editorial instructions, which is found in "For Authors".
- If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
Author Guidelines
Editorial Instructions
The Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Librorum journal publishes original works and only such which are not intended by their authors to be published in other journals.
The Editorial Board accepts all article proposals which match the journal’s profile.
Materials should be sent via e-mail in .doc, .docx or .rtf format files to either of the following addresses:
The Editorial Board accepts texts by two deadlines: by 31 March and by 31 October of every calendar year.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to introduce minor changes and abridgements to articles which do not impact their contents. An article accepted for printing is subject to editorial and authorial verification, and to adjustments, i.e. abridgements, insertion of crossheads, reformatting, etc.
Publication in the Folia Librorum is voluntary and entails a free-of-charge release of a text in the printed version and requires a consent to a release of the file of the article on the University of Lodz Repository website.
If the review of an article is positive, authors are required to conclude a publishing agreement and to fill out, sign and send it in 2 printed copies to the address of the Editorial Board.
The editorial board shall not pay any authorial royalties.
Requirements regarding the definition of the notion of authorship and/or co-authorship
Considering the fact that scientists should follow the principle of the transparency of the information on the entities engaged in the process of publication (including, but not limited to, participation in studies, preparing bibliographies, considerable editorial aid, financial aid, etc.), the Editorial Board shall request authors to disclose the share of specific persons and institutions engaged in the creation of a text with an indication of their affiliations and of who was the author of the concept, the assumptions, the method, the protocol, etc. utilised in the creation of the publication.
By signing the publishing agreement, an author declares that their work is completely original, that they wrote it themselves, and that it does not include any adopted fragments from other works which might cause any related liability on the part of the Editorial Board or the Publisher, and which does not violate any rights of any third party, and that their personal and copyright to work are not limited in any way. The Editorial Board warns prospective authors that any and all cases of academic dishonesty (ghost writing or guest authorship) shall be denounced, a process which shall include reporting the fact to applicable bodies (the institution employing the authors, academic associations, associations of academic editors, etc.).
Author information
Authors should at the beginning of their article provide the following details: their full name, academic degrees or titles, their affiliation (name of institution), and their e-mail address.
Articles should not exceed 15–20 typed pages (including an abstract and bibliography); reviews should not exceed 5 pages
Articles should include:
- a short, an approx. 1,000-character-long abstract in English,
- 3–5 keywords in English,
- a bibliography indicating the sources used in the text.
Technical requirements
Text formatting: font – Times New Roman, size 12; line spacing – 1.5 line; A4 format; margins – 2.5 cm; paragraphs with an indentation of 1.5 cm.
Title: Bold, centred, size 12
Crossheads (if applicable): bold, non-numbered, flush left.
Tables and diagrams:
- diagrams and tables inserted into articles should be pasted in a text file at the location in which they should appear in a publication,
- table number and title must be placed above it, the source below it, and all inscribed in font Times New Roman, size 10,
- diagram number and title must be placed above it, the source below it, and all inscribed in font Times New Roman, size 10,
- drawings, photographs, photocopies, and maps should be submitted as image files (TIFF or JPG with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi), while a text must include a detailed indication of where they are supposed to be inserted,
- in the case of illustration, it is necessary to provide the name of their authors, the source from where they were taken, and the name of the institution which rendered them available. If an illustration is copyrighted, it is necessary to submit a written reproduction consent by its author or copyright owner,
In the body of a text, please italicise the titles of non-serial publications. The titles of periodicals should be put in quotation marks, e.g. Media a czytelnicy…, „Przegląd Biblioteczny”.
Extensive quotations are to be inserted as new paragraphs and indicated using font size 10.
Footnotes and bibliography
Any and all references to literature and the bibliography should be developed as per the APA (American Psychological Association) 6th edition style –
References within the text should be prepared as per the model: (Author, year, p.), e.g. (Antczak, 2010, p. 11).
In the case of more than 1 author, the names should be divided with “&”, e.g. (Lewandowicz & Zybert, 2011, p. 25).
If the surname of a quoted author is included in the argument, it is not repeated in the parentheses, e.g. (2006, pp. 13–58).
If there are more than 3 authors, the reference must be shortened to: (Author 1 et al., year, p.), e.g. (Antczak et al., 2013, p. 13–15).
In the case of publications with editors, it is necessary to indicate the surname of the editor and define their function, e.g. (Żmigrodzki, ed., 2015).
A reference to an authorless work shall include the title and year, e.g. (Biblioteka w Otwocku, 2012). If a title is too long, an abridged version must be used, e.g. (Wytyczne IFLA..., 2007) instead of (Wytyczne IFLA dla bibliotek obsługujących niemowlęta i małe dzieci, 2007).
In the text, you can use clarification footnotes.
Bibliographical descriptions should be developed based on the APA (American Psychological Association) 6th edition style –
Bibliographical descriptions of the sources used in a text should be placed at the end of the text (before the title and abstract in English) in an alphabetical order of authors (editors).
Regardless of the type of document (a book, a chapter in a book, an article, an act, a website, an electronic document), all bibliographical descriptions must constitute a uniform series.