Private economy in Poland during the implementation of the Three-Year Plan (1947–1949)
Three-Year Plan, economic reconstruction, private sector, national economic plan, industry and trade, Central Planning Office, Soviet economy, liquidation of the private economy, relationships between the state and private economy, private industry associationsAbstract
On September 21, 1946, the National National Council announced the Economic Reconstruction Plan, which went down in history as the Three-Year Plan. Its main assumption and goal was to “raise the standard of living of the working classes of the population above the pre-war level”. The first post-war years were marked by the strengthening of the new communist govern-ment. However, the semblance of democracy was maintained and it was legal to operate other political parties, which also had a real influence on the governance of the country at that time. However, successively the communist authorities took over new offices. One of the offices re- maining outside the power of the communist party was precisely the CUP, filled by people sym- pathetic to the pre-war PPS. The CUP intended to focus on consumer industries in order to incre-ase the standard of living in the country and thus stimulate the economy. Its implementation was to be obligatory only for the state sector, the cooperative sector was to be covered only partially, and the private sector would operate almost on a free market basis. However, such assumptions were unacceptable to the new communist government’s position of increasing the means and volume of industrial production. With time, it turned out that the communist vision of a centrally control-led economy prevailed over the plan, where all its areas were to implement the plan according to detailed guidelines. The article analyzes the evolution of the policy and attitude of the communist authorities in Poland after 1945 towards the private sector (mainly industry and trade), which ultimately led to its liquidation. The state and socialist economy was to protect the economic life in the entire Soviet bloc from all the shortcomings and problems typical of a capitalist economy.
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