Report from the ceremony of signing the letter of intent on the development of the historical monograph of Lodz, Lodz, July 29, 2021
scientific report, Lodz, jubilee of granting city rights, letter of intent, monograph of cityAbstract
On July 29, 2023 the city of Lodz will be celebrating the 600th anniversary of granting city rights by the King Władysław Jagiełło in Przedbórz on Pilica. For this occasion historians from University of Lodz proposed to write a five-volume historical monograph of Lodz of an interdisciplinary character. The initiative was supported by the city authorities. On July 29, 2021 at the ceremonial meeting between the City Hall, the University of Lodz and project partner institutions a letter of intend was signed. The ceremony ended with the first public presentation of the oldest preserved original document from the history of Lodz.
- 2023-05-30 (2)
- 2023-04-28 (1)
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