Kornela i Ludwika Zielonków droga na Syberię. Rosja w oczach zesłańców postyczniowych
https://doi.org/10.18778/2080-8313.17.11Słowa kluczowe:
zesłańcy, Syberia, Rosjanie, pamiętnikiAbstrakt
The period of the nineteenth century is particularly interesting, because it was then that many memories of the exile and the aforementioned trip to exile were created. Observations of Poles-exiles are very interesting because they contain a lot of information about, among others the relation of the Siberia population to the exiles, as well as the perception of reality by the exiles themselves. Interesting are also information on the contacts of exiles with the administration of the Russian Empire.
Particularly interesting are the memories of brothers Ludwik Zielonka and Kornel Zielonka, who took part in the January Uprising, for which they were sent to Eastern Siberia. They both describe the hardships of travel, they cite situations with which they had contact. While Kornel feels great as a writer, Ludwik cites mostly dry facts. Both diaries have one more interesting property: they can be used to examine the way differences in the perception of the reality of exile are found by diametrically different brothers who are in very similar realities.
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