Canal for conquest – Egyptian assumption of crossing the Suez Canal on the eve of the 1973 October War


  • Magdalena Pogońska-Pol Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Filozoficzno-Historyczny, Instytut Historii, Katedra Historii Polski i Świata po 1945 r.



operations Badr, Suez Canal, Egypt, October War, Middle East


As a result of the June 1967 war, Israel conquered the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula. The line separating the two sides became the Suez Canal. Israel to secure its state of affairs and to protect itself from the new war built a system of fortifications called Bar-Lev Line on the east bank of the Channel. The Egyptian army wanted to recapture the lost area and had to work out plans to overtake the Suez Canal, thus taking into account the specificity of the channel construction, the hydrographic conditions and the system developed by the Israelis. In this sand barrier, the fire on the Canal. The Egyptians also had to devise ways of crossing the corps of engineers, infantry, and tanks. All issues included a plan developed by S. Shazly called Operation Badr, and the effectiveness of planning was confirmed on October 6, 1973, at the start of the October war.


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How to Cite

Pogońska-Pol, M. (2017). Canal for conquest – Egyptian assumption of crossing the Suez Canal on the eve of the 1973 October War. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica, (99), 277–290.