The automotive service in the Polish Army in the 1930s
Polish Army in the 20th century, automotive service in Polish Army, military vehicles in the Polish ArmyAbstract
This article describes the automotive service in the Polish Army in the 30s of the twentieth century. The task of this service was to transport soldiers, equipment and wounded. For these tasks were used cars, trucks, sanitary and special vehicles. The Polish military authorities were aware that one of the main directions of development of the Polish army was its motorization and the replacement of the horse trains on motor vehicles. However, the automotive service in the Polish Army was not properly prepared to fulfill its tasks. This was mainly due to the economic weakness of the country, the low level of motorization of the country, the poorly developed road network, the maladjustment of roads and bridges for car transport, the lack of extensive technical infrastructure and the financial constraints of the Polish army. Consequently, car transport in the Polish army until September 1939 continued to play a minor role.
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