Translocation of the Major von Graner’s escadron (4 hussars regiment of Eugen von Württemberg) from Bolesławiec to Radomsko (1804)


  • Zdzisław Włodarczyk Wieluńskie Towarzystwo Naukowe,



South Prussia, 19th century, cavalry, army, Poland, Radomsko, Bolesławiec nad Prosną


At the beginning of 1793 Prussian troops entered Greater Poland, the second partition of Poland became a fact. Out of occupied lands a new province South Prussia (Südpreussen) was created immediately. One element of new reality was visible military presence in the socioeconomic area of the province. Many cities and towns, something unheard of in the pre-partition period, have become the headquarters of the garrisons. Many times the troops changed their places of the deployment. The squadron of the 4th Hussar Regiment was stationed at the Kalisz department. One of them, commanded by Major Graner, received an order of translocation from Bolesławiec over the Prosna river to Radomsko (September 1804). The relocation of the escadron was based on a document approved by the superiors with the route description (Marsch Route).


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How to Cite

Włodarczyk, Z. (2017). Translocation of the Major von Graner’s escadron (4 hussars regiment of Eugen von Württemberg) from Bolesławiec to Radomsko (1804). Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica, (99), 171–180.