Conditions of existence and moral of Soviet Army in Afghanistan (1979–1989). Outline of the problem
Soviet Army in Afghanistan, 1979–1989, conditions of existence, morale, alcoholism, drugs, violenceAbstract
Afghan war 1979–1989 had four stages: occupation, offensive, „afganization” of the conflict and withdrawal. Soviet occupation in Afghanistan by 40. Soviet Army in the years 1979–1989 revealed a lot of problems in the army. This article describes two very important factors of the battlefield in Afghanistan. First of them were difficult conditions of Soviet soldiers existence in Afghanistan. Because of insufficient number of buildings in Afghan garrisons, Soviet soldiers very often had to live in the tents. Problem was most severe in winter, because tents had no heating. Soviet supply lines were frequently attacked by resistance. Soviet soldiers were often sick because of shortage of fresh water, expired food, for example from year1956 with 1,5 year best before date, shortage of fruits and meat. In Soviet hospitals in Afghanistan conditions of existence were very bad. Soviet surgeons and nurses had very difficult job due to low quality of surgical sutures. Nurses often had to take threads from parachutes, clean them and use to sew up wounds. Second important factor described in the article was morale of Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan. High morale was among parachute and Specnaz units only. Those soldier fought to the bitter end. In the same time morale of majority of the Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan was very low. Soviet officers very often were corrupt and drank vodka easy to buy in afghan shops called dukans. Soviet conscripted soldiers faced different problem – drugs. Afghans knew that Soviet soldiers liked hashish and often did barter exchange for stolen Soviet tinned food, fuel, medicines or car parts. Sometimes even weapons changed owners. In Afghanistan drugs were present everywhere. Cases of desertion due to violence were another problem for Soviet Army in Afghanistan. Officers sometimes bullied conscripted soldiers. Most violence cases was between sergeants and conscripted soldiers, but also among conscripted soldiers only. Official Soviet data in Afghanistan confirms death of 14 453 soldiers. In Afghanistan 311 Soviet soldiers were reported as missing during Soviet occupation this country. Part of the missing soldiers escaped to mujahedeen and later fought in the Afghan resistance units against Soviet Army in Afghanistan.
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