Southern Rhodesia – the lost jewel on the British colonial map. Rhodesian-British relations in 1961–1979. The outline of the problem


  • Anna Szczepańska Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Filozoficzno-Historyczny, Instytut Historii, Katedra Historii Powszechnej Najnowszej



Rhodesia, United Kingdom, international relations, Rhodesian crisis, Unilateral Declaration of Independence


The article refers about relations between Southern Rhodesia and United Kingdom in 1961–1979. Southern Rhodesia was the British colony but it had its own government. After Second World War Rhodesia have been demanding extension of its sovereignty. It was fulfilled in 1961 when the constitution was established. The ruling party Rhodesian Front found constitution as insufficient and in 1965 they proclaimed Unilateral Declaration of Independence (known as UDI) what increased tensions between Salisbury and London. Long-lasting negotiations with British governments, unwilling attitude of neighbor countries and independence war (known as Bush War with participating of guerilla forces of ZANU and ZAPU) was reasons of the beginning of the serious talks. The time of changes has come to Rhodesia. The prime minister Ian Smith had to withdraw from political life. In 1980 Rhodesia as Zimbabwe proclaimed independence and first prime minister of the „African” government became Robert Mugabe, ruling his country to this day.


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How to Cite

Szczepańska, A. (2017). Southern Rhodesia – the lost jewel on the British colonial map. Rhodesian-British relations in 1961–1979. The outline of the problem. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica, (98), 161–179.