Julian Dunajewski: political portrait


  • Tomasz Olejnik Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydział Prawa i Administracji, Katedra Prawa Finansowego




Julian Dunajewski, deficit, minister of finance, Galicia, Habsburg Empire, Austria


The article presents Julian Dunajewski, one of the most important Polish politicians of the second part of 19th century. Author presents his biography, scientific career, the most significant works and his activities as the minister of finance of Austria. The most important part of this article shows Dunajewski as a politician and a minister. Hence author describes the dramatic state of finances of the Habsburg Empire on the day of assuming the ministerial position and then the process of performing the necessary budget reforms, which lead first to reducing then removing the budget deficit. Author describes the political ideas of Dunajewski, which helped him in successfully implementing the structural reforms in Austria. It is also important to emphasize the actions of Dunajewski in supporting the Polish Galicia: aiding the two universities (Jagiellonian and Lwów), reforming the so-called vodka tax and extinguishing the indemnity debt of Galicia. This part of article is of great importance as Dunajewski was often accused of being more Austrian then Polish. Author strongly believes that such opinion cannot be considered as just. Article ends in describing Dunajewski as one of the most gifted speakers of Austrian parliament and how was he viewed by his contemporaries. Author thinks that the political career of Julian Dunajewski is worth remembering as he was a talented politician who proved that the pejorative German term „Polnische Wirtschaft” was not only unjust, but not true.


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How to Cite

Olejnik, T. (2017). Julian Dunajewski: political portrait. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica, (98), 85–100. https://doi.org/10.18778/0208-6050.98.07