Marie de’ Medici – a Contentious Woman, an Unbearable Wife?




Marie de’ Medici, Henry IV, marriage, marital disagreements, intrigues


Marie de’ Medici was the second wife of Henry IV and gave birth to the heir to the throne, and then several healthy children, including two other sons. It seemed, therefore, that her position as queen was unassailable. However, marriage was not going well. There were many reasons for disputes. Marie was accused of low origin because she came from a family of bankers elevated to the princely throne. Differences in Italian and French culture and customs were pointed out, as well as Marie’s difficulties in adapting to life at her husband’s court. It was believed that her situation was made worse by the Italians around her. One of the elements of the misunderstandings between the royal couple was the adultery of Henry IV, who surrounded himself with women and ordered legal and recognized children – in accordance with the customs of the French court – to be raised together, causing his wife’s dissatisfaction. Marie’s grievances were said to be caused by her jealousy of her husband or an unpleasant childhood experience when her mother suffered from the adultery of her husband, who maintained a constant relationship with his favorite. Thearticle indicates, however, that the causes of tension and conflicts between the royal couple were much more serious, and Marie’s quarrelsomeness did not result solely from her character and personal experiences.


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Author Biography

Aleksandra Skrzypietz, University of Silesia in Katowice

Prof. dr hab. Aleksandra Skrzypietz – pracuje w Instytucie Historii Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach. Autorka i redaktorka kilkunastu książek, Francuskie zabiegi o koronę polską po śmierci Jana III Sobieskiego (Katowice 2009); Jakub Sobieski (Poznań 2015); Królowa Margot. Ostatnia perła Walezjuszów (Warszawa 2016); Franciszek Ludwik, książę de Conti – „Obrany król Polski”: Saga rodu Kondeuszów (Katowice 2019); Maria Klementyna Sobieska, królowa i Służebnica Boża (współautor: S. Jujeczka, Katowice 2022).
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How to Cite

Skrzypietz, A. (2024). Marie de’ Medici – a Contentious Woman, an Unbearable Wife?. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica, (116), 75–92.