From Vilified Queen to Political Strategist: Re-evaluating the Role and Image of Bona Sforza. The Queen’s 1537 Response to Her Critics
Bona Sforza, women’s history, queenship, rulershipAbstract
This study examines the contrasting historical narratives surrounding Queen Bona Sforza, focusing on her 1537 response to her accusers amidst the noble rebellion. Bona’s tenure as queen consort, notably marked by economic consolidation and assertive political engagement, presents a rich case for examining the dynamics of female leadership in a male-dominated sphere. The significance of this topic lies in its potential to enrich understanding of gender roles, power dynamics, and historical narrative construction within the field ofearly modern European history. Despite considerable scholarship on Bona, there remains a gap in research specifically addressing how her own communications – particularly the 1537 letter to royal secretary Samuel Maciejowski – counter contemporary and later historical portrayals, and what this reveals about gendered perceptions of power and authority. This study aims to interrogate these aspects, posing the question: How does this re-reading of Bona’s self-representation in her response to accusations during the 1537 rebellion illuminate the complexities of female rulership and challenge existing historical narratives? In the epistolary analysis this research adopts a gendered lens to assess the juxtaposition between Bona’s portrayal by contemporaries and her own articulation of her role and actions. The findings reveal that Bona’s communications asserted her competence and dedication to statecraft. This analysis challenges the pejorative characterisations ofthe queen’s actions, suggesting a conscious effort to navigate and contest the gendered constraints imposed upon her rulership. Her management of economic resources, engage-ment in diplomatic and legal affairs, and the cultivation of a narrative of benevolent yet firm governance emerge as key themes. These findings are significant as they contribute to a nuanced understanding of Bona’s leadership, offering insights into the strategies employed by female rulers to assert authority and influence historical narratives. Moreover, this study highlights the importance of examining communion strategies of historical figures to challenge and expand upon established historical interpretations, enriching the discourse on gender, power, and historiography in the early modern period.
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Narodowym Centrum Nauki
Grant numbers 2021/43/B/HS3/01490 -
Australian Catholic University