Wine – the Lethal Drink of Ancient War in Frontinus’ Text
Frontinus, tricks of war, wine, mandrakeAbstract
The aim of the article is to present and analyze 3 passages of the work entitled War Tricks by Iulius Sextus Frontinus, in which wine appears as a tool of war. Wine, the drink well known to the ancients, which inflamed the senses and the body, relaxed and was a valuable medicine with warming properties, could also become a lethal weapon. When it was drunk in a form diluted with water or with an admixture of mandrake (especially in larger amounts), it weakened concentration, lulled vigilance, and could even lead to death directly. Weakening the opponent’s vigilance, intoxicated with the soothing alcoholic beverage, made it possible to tip the tide of victory in a relatively easy way. Thus, a moment of forgetfulness or an illusory occasion to celebrate, turned out to be a clever trap from which there was often no escape.
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