The attitude of Polish emigrants in France towards the diplomatic activities of the Second Polish Republic on the eve of World War II. A brief review of the issue
the Second Republic of Poland, the Third French Republic, Polish emigration of France, Polish organizations in France, World War IIAbstract
The events that took place on the international arena were of great concern to the circles of Polish emigration in France. Consequently, they proclaimed their readiness to initiate activities aimed at organizing mobilization in case of war. Due to the lack of decisive action by the Polish and French authorities, two centers overseeing the process of voluntary recruitment were established. The first one, Związek Oficerów Rezerwy (ZOR), was founded in Paris, whereas the second one, Centralny Komitet Obywatelski (CKO), in Lille. Greater involvement was clearly evident in case of the former organization. Indeed, it was this organization that indicated unusual tardiness of the Polish authorities in the context of mobilizing Polish emigrants in the event of war. CKO was noticeably influenced by the Polish consulate in Lille. Organized by ZOR immediately prior to the outbreak of World War II, the volunteer recruitment campaign contributed to the creation of numerous recruitment offices that subsequently formed a larger organizational network. It existed continuously until the first half of September 1939.
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